Thursday, October 1, 2009


A megacity is a place which has a total population in excess of 10 million people. Megacities can be recognizing by their rapid growth, population density, economies and high levels of social fragmentation. Megacity also synonymously with the terms megapolis. There are many megacities in the world such as Tokyo, New York City, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Mumbai (Bombay), Karachi, Jakarta that had populations in excess of 10 million inhabitants.


Megacity growth is automatically bad would be wrong to assume for the environment. A large environmental impact because a city have 20 million people, but it is less clear whether that impact is bigger than if the same number of people lived rurally. An environmentally sustainable model for the future those who argue that clean, modern cities, where dense living enables resources to be consumed efficiently.

Nowadays, megacities feature a catalogue of environmental problems. The familiar issues in most large cities around the world are congestion, air pollution, water pollution, waste management and degration of green areas. Air quality has improved over the last 50 years such as London and Tokyo. While in Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur it has gone down.

Cities tend to get rich first, then clean up later. Sustainable solutions promote greater use of alternative energy sources and more energy-efficient buildings and transport, measures to combat congestion and carbon dioxide emissions, water and waste recycling, and capture carbon dioxide.

Especially but those in Mature cities, air pollution is considered by far the most serious environmental challenge facing megacities. A large proportion of stakeholder mentioning air pollution relate the problem to transportation and vehicle emissions.


Megacities are certainly taking over the world. Many cities are developing into megacities. Therefore, the government have to find the ways to solve the problem that many megacities are facing right now.